News — Happiness

Comparable Multiples (Power)

Comparable Multiples (Power)

The problem I have identified is slave mentality and its habits. One must have an independent mind in order to have freedom. Freedom then comes as a direct result of taking ownership of one's present and future. The results of your life are the work you put into your dreams.  The pursuit of those efforts is the pursuit of independence.  To have control you must take the wheel. Eradicate your slave mind first, then seek to organize with others who have eradicated theirs, and then if you like, teach others how to eradicate theirs. This is how you become the solution to the problem.

Trader/Investor Portfolio Strategy

Trader/Investor Portfolio Strategy

Trader Portfolio Strategy


  • Stocks held 5-10 yrs in portfolio
  • Based on fundamental & trend analysis, industry expectations, company expectations, new products.
  • Revise each year for changing conditions


  • Options held for 6 months to 1 year
  • Based on Trend Analysis, news and expectations of company
  • Reviewed and revised each month


  • FX, Options, Penny Stocks
  • Based on Market reactions, recent news, newsletters, and trend analysis
  • Held for moments, days, usually less than 2 weeks

Wealth Principles:

Wealth Principles:

Wealth Principles:

  1. Protect what you have
  2. Save 50% of all income
  3. Believe it is possible
  4. Get on the right side of every equation
  5. Pull the Trigger (execute)

Thought on the Resource of Wealth

Thought on the Resource of Wealth

Success Thought on the Resource of Wealth:

Money = Gas

Bank Account = Gas Tank

Full Tank = Surplus of Gas

Empty Tank = No Gas

The more gas you have the farther you can go!


Keep your bank account full.  It provides you the opportunity to travel as far as you would like to go without the worry of being stuck in the middle of nowhere (hoping) asking for help! Waiting on that tow service to come and give you an emergency bail out.   Keep your tank full...

Success Words and Phrases

Success Words and Phrases


  • Grow
  • Less Work, More Play
  • Breath
  • More Exercise
  • Don’t Curse
  • Practice Yoga
  • Drink Tea
  • Truth in Triumph (Understand, Grow, Read, Do More)
  • Safety First
  • Keep Going
  • Tighten Up
  • Never Forget
  • Exercise
  • Eat Right
  • Enjoy Life
  • Find Joy
  • Give
  • Rest
  • Read
  • Work Hard
  • Practice
  • Stay Vigilant
  • Diligent Effort Wins the Race
  • Succeed
  • Do
  • Keep Going
  • Be Your Best
  • Army of One (Team You. Team Me. Team Us. Team I)
  • Find Love
  • Do What’s Right
  • Be A Tree
  • Savoir Faire