News — Billionaire

Trader/Investor Portfolio Strategy

Trader/Investor Portfolio Strategy

Trader Portfolio Strategy


  • Stocks held 5-10 yrs in portfolio
  • Based on fundamental & trend analysis, industry expectations, company expectations, new products.
  • Revise each year for changing conditions


  • Options held for 6 months to 1 year
  • Based on Trend Analysis, news and expectations of company
  • Reviewed and revised each month


  • FX, Options, Penny Stocks
  • Based on Market reactions, recent news, newsletters, and trend analysis
  • Held for moments, days, usually less than 2 weeks

Food For Thought!

Food For Thought!

Don’t allow what you experience to influence you!

Experience is a lesson learned…

Influence is attributed to divine guidance!

Be aware of your interpretations. They change with experience and contribute to divine guidance.

A team will always beat the individual!

Work hard for it!

Fully know and understand God (Truth) and make him known!

Know where you are leading people!

How much time does time take, as much time as time needs.

Only spend what you incrementally earn up to 25%…

The future never comes…It is only now!

The focus of being in business is to get your time back.


Thought on the Resource of Wealth

Thought on the Resource of Wealth

Success Thought on the Resource of Wealth:

Money = Gas

Bank Account = Gas Tank

Full Tank = Surplus of Gas

Empty Tank = No Gas

The more gas you have the farther you can go!


Keep your bank account full.  It provides you the opportunity to travel as far as you would like to go without the worry of being stuck in the middle of nowhere (hoping) asking for help! Waiting on that tow service to come and give you an emergency bail out.   Keep your tank full...