SUCCESS FORMULA:  The Theory of Application Over Time

This is a proven system.  It only takes your dreams, commitment, will to do and a little thing called determination to bring to life all that you have ever wanted. But, you must give it time.


Multiplied by: Time Spent in Practice ^ #YEARS OF STUDY AND APPLICATION


The formula above is pretty much common sense.

Whatever you envision for yourself; you must see yourself already there and then strategize a way to that path. 

This is the method that we all apply to all facets of our lives, whether through college, trade school, apprenticeship, art, dance, or any other form of work.  We study and then apply the knowledge/ experience learned along the way to become better.

Why not apply this method to a thing that you really want.
 A certain dream.   A certain goal.  A certain lifestyle.


Ask yourself this:   “What are gains over time?”

Gains * Time Spent in Practice ^ #Years = Achievement of Goals

Tiny, Minuscule, Big, Large, Negative, Positive and even setbacks could all be considered gains. The “Major Key” here is to study, apply, commit and give it time.

Kingdoms are built over lifetimes....Think about it!!

As one of my favorite traders & teacher puts it @timothysykes;
“Study Hard” “Always Work on Your Gains!”

Those are words that should be ingrained within you.
 Keep Striving,


#cashandhonor #timothysykes #traderschecklist #successfultraders #majorkey #pimpinken #theartofhumanchess

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